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Brand, company, audience, sponsors… I had no definitions of the things they nattered on about while they built and deconstructed my bodies. They had no real bearing on my task, which was always the same: Emerge into the stadium. Wait for the bell. Kill Onyx Brave.

Created to be enemies, a pair of gladiator robots form a relationship and vow to escape the arena that comprises their whole world.

9200 words. Available as PDF, EPUB, and to read online.

Edited by Biz

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorNat Silveira
Tagslgbtq, Robots, Romance, Sci-fi, short-story


Killing Onyx Brave.pdf 199 kB
Killing Onyx Brave.epub 5 MB
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EPUB - for use on e-readers, apple iBooks, Overdrive, and other ebook apps (not Kindle compatible, thank Amazon for making that impossible)

PDF - for use on computers or tablets. Screen Reader friendly, but not recommended for mobile!

Read Online - read it on my blog, which is mobile friendly and doesn't require downloading anything.

If there is another format you would like to request, let me know!


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:') :') wow.... building a body to share and escaping capitalism............ that's romance.....................

Yeah!!!! Thanks for reading! :)